Farm & Fleet Parking Lot
South Side Drive, Decatur, Illinois
Existing 23-year-old bituminous pavement had extensive cracking, oxidation and fatigue. The facility is open for business 7 days-a-week with only one entrance and exit. Work needed to be performed while maintaining loading dock availability. Work needed to be completed before 9 a.m. in front of auto service center.
A portion of the existing concrete driveway median was removed and the catch basin inlets were repaired. The existing 4-inch bituminous surface was pulverized and incorporated with the crushed stone base material. The surface was graded, compacted and resurfaced with a 2-inch HMA overlay.
Construction Phasing
- Remove concrete median, existing asphalt curbs and repair catch basins.
- Pulverize, grade, compact, overlay and stripe East half of parking lot while coordinating with service center to keep it open for business.
- Repeat Phase 2 on West half of parking lot.
- Install new asphalt curbing, handicap signage and final clean up.
- Project completed in two work weeks.
- Entire lot was open on weekends.
- Store was open for business with minimal disruption during the entire project.